When you are posting a web page using a web link, Postwire crawls the web page to retrieve the title and a list of high-quality images to use in the post and allows you to edit the collected content.
This article provides the process of posting a web page using a web link in Postwire.
To post a web page, please follow the steps below.
- Click the Web Link option in the Post Content widget on the Postwire page, as shown in the image below.
Enter the URL which you would like to post and click the Add button, as shown in the image below.
Postwire will process the web page to retrieve the title, content, and images.
After processing, Postwire will show you best images based on its image processing system.
You can click the right and left arrows to scroll through the images.
Note: If you do not like the images that Postwire found, you can always click Can't find a good image? to set a custom thumbnail. -
Click the Done Editing button, when you are satisfied with the content selection and how it looks.
The web page is now posted in Postwire.