Guests in Sococo have very limited access. They have limitations in movement around the space, contacting other users, modifying the configuration of the space, etc. Below you can see what guests can do in space.
Guests can be invited by members of the space. Depending on the guest invite settings, the invite link for a room can be permanent (never expire until manually expired) or active in a certain timeframe. Also, only for links that are time-limited, members can allow guests to move around the space by themselves. Otherwise, guests cannot move to other rooms.
Once a guest uses the link to join a space, a member will need to allow the guest to join the space.
Guests have very limited access to Sococo. Below you can find some key points about the guest access.
- To join the meeting as a guest, people can use either the Google Chrome browser or the Sococo Desktop app
- The available options on the map are not the same for guests and space members
- Guests do not have Sococo menu button so they cannot change configurations
- Guests do not have access to integrations, to invite others, or to connect meetings to rooms
- Guests will appear in a room where the guest invite link was generated. By default, guests are unable to move around the space (unless allowed explicitly in the guest invite settings)
- They can talk to avatars that are in the same room using Sococo Meeting
- They can see all avatars in the space, and they can start a chat with any of them
- They can see shares only in the room where their avatar is. All other shares are restricted
- They can be moved to other rooms by space members using the Get feature
- Once guests leave the meeting, they cannot re-enter the Space without clicking the invite link again and being admitted.