This article describes the steps to update your payment card details to set up automatic monthly or annual billing. In case you have issues with updating your billing information, there are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue.
If you are still a trial user, you can Upgrade your account first.
Only users with Administrator privileges for your Sococo organization can add or update billing information.
Customers with a monthly or annual subscription can update their billing information from the Sococo application:
Click the menu icon to expand the Options pane.
Go to Settings > Billing.
On the Subscription Settings screen, click the "Billing Information and Options" button, and then on the Manage Subscriptions screen, click "Payment Methods".
On the Payment Methods screen, click "Add New" to add a new payment card or click "Primary" to update your existing card. Click "Add" (or "Update" if editing) to save your card details.
Troubleshooting payment issues and FAQs
You need to know when your next payment is scheduled for?
To check when your next payment is scheduled, check your plan.
You are having issues saving the changes to your billing platform?
If you are having issues saving the changes you made to your billing platform or you are receiving any errors during the process, check if your card information saved for Sococo is valid first. If the details provided are correct, there is another reason why the payment cannot be processed. Contact the Success team at success@sococo.com to get assistance on this issue. -
Your pricing does not seem correct? Check the Sococo pricing first.
If you want to check the pricing, you can review the Pricing on Sococo.com or check your plan.
Note: The prices above might be outdated. Please review the prices on the app. -
Your Payment is due. Your recent Sococo payment attempt failed.
If you have received an email stating that the recent Sococo payment attempt failed, you need to review if the payment card information is correct in the system and update the payment information if needed. -
What are Sococo Terms of Service?
You can always review the Terms of Service on the Sococo website. -
You are unable to see the billing option?
To see the billing option, you need to have Administrator privileges.
If you are unable to see the billing option, and you are an administrator for the Org, it is possible that you have a legacy plan that does not have the billing option included in the app. You should contact our Finance team directly and they will address your enquiry. -
You need to update the number of seats for your subscription?To update the number of seats for your subscription, review the Updating number of seats article.
If you are still having issues with Updating Billing details, Report the Problem to our Support team and explain the issue in details, provide all the steps you did to reproduce the issue and what you have tried so far.