You can set a "Home Room" for your avatar in Sococo. It is a default room where you first land whenever you log in to Sococo, and where your avatar will be returned whenever you click the Home icon in the top navbar. It is used to set one room in space as your office.
Note: If the space where your home room is located is removed, after logging in the message "The space you tried to enter is no longer available" will be displayed. To fix this issue, select another room in an available space as your home room.
Setting Up the Home Room
- Right-click (Control-click) on the room you want to set as your Home Room.
- Select Set as home room.
- This room is now your new home room.
Important Notes:
- The Home Room is not reserved only for one user. Multiple users can have the same room set as their Home Room.
- Each user can have only one Home Room.
- If you set a new room as the Home Room, the previous room will be Unset as Home Room.
Removing the Home Room
- If you want to unset/remove a Home room, right-click (control-click) on that room.
- Select Unset as home room at the bottom of the menu.
- Now you do not have a home room.
Once you made the change, you can click Return to Home Room button. If the home room is set, your avatar will move to that room. If you have unset the home room, you will be notified that you do not have a home room set.
Related Articles
- Return to Home Room
- If your avatar is landing in the wrong room when you log in Sococo, it is possible that you bookmarked that specific room.