Sococo has a Webex integration, which allows you to integrate your Webex account with Sococo. Using Webex integration allows you to have your Webex meetings from Sococo, link them to a room in a space, and anyone can join by entering that room. It needs to be enabled for space first, and every user can link the Webex account.
Note: Webex integration works with the desktop application and with a Chrome browser.
To start using the Webex integration, someone from your team (Administrator or Moderator) needs to enable the Webex integration for space first.
Once it is enabled, everyone can integrate their Webex accounts and have the Webex meeting button available.
When you are creating a meeting for the first time, you will need to set up the integration, and after that, you start your Webex meetings with one click. There are options to join existing Webex meetings and End Webex meetings.