Sococo is very intuitive and easy to learn and understand, but it is good to have a getting started beginner's guide. In this article, you can see the basics of how to use Sococo. You will see how to move your avatar to different rooms or floors, chat or meet with others, invite people to your room or go to their rooms, rename rooms or spaces, invite other users, set your home room, share files and links and many other features.
See Introduction video
Sococo Explainer
Moving avatar to a different room
It is easy to move your avatar to a different room. You just have to click on the room name or double-click on the room area, and your avatar will be moved there. You can also be in different parts of the room, by clicking on the location.
For details, see Moving Your Avatar Around the Space. -
How to find users on a map
When there are many users on your map or you cannot see the user you need, you can easily search for the missing team member. By using the Find feature, you can search for anyone, get them or go to their office, or simply check where they are. If anyone is present in your current space, they will be highlighted.
Get user to join you in your room
You can ask any user from your Sococo office to join you in your room. All you have to do is "Get" them. You can do it from the map, from the Find feature, or recent conversations feature on your People pane. When you "get them" they will receive an invitation to your room.
Knock to enter a room
The fact that we are not in a real space is not a reason to be rude. Knock before you enter someone's room, and wait for them to allow you in. You can both knock on the closed and open doors.
Download desktop app
If you want to download the desktop application, you can directly go to the Download page, or download it from the web app menu.
You can review the full article with all details here. -
Modify your avatar settings - name, color
You can easily change your avatar name or color by right-clicking (second or control-click) on your avatar, and selecting Edit your profile.
You can review all details about this feature in Editing Profile Settings, Language and Avatar Color. -
Change Sococo language
Sococo allows you to change the UI language between several available options:
- English
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Russian
You can review all details about this feature in Editing Profile Settings, Language and Avatar Color.
Rename your room
To change the name of the room, right-click (second or control-click) on the room name or room area, and select Change room name. Update the room name and press Save.
Set your home room
You can consider home room as your office. It is the room where your avatar will arrive when you log in to Sococo, or when you click Home button. No matter how many spaces you have access to, you can have only one home room. When you set a new home room, the previous one will be unset.
You can see and collaborate with others even if they are not in the same space
From the People pane you can see all users that are in your space, but also the users you marked as your Starred members - usually your boss and people from your team that you communicate the most, and users that you communicated recently, no matter if they are present in your space now. You can check their availability status (maybe they are busy or offline), you can see what space they are in, or what they are doing now.
For all details on how to communicate with others even in different spaces, see Cross-Space Collaboration. -
Change your availability status
You can set or update your status, so everyone can see if you are available, busy, on a break. You can select a predefined status, or enter your custom message.
Move to a different space
One user can be a part of several spaces (floors). You can easily move to a different space. On the top-left part of the screen, click on the current space name to change space, and select the space you want to go to.
Invite guests to your Space
You can invite people to your space as you would in a real office. You need to create the guest link for a room and share the link with your customers, clients, vendors, etc.
Using audio, video and screen share
To meet with others in Sococo space, you can use embedded media in your rooms or create meetings using the integrated tools. To use embedded media, you need to enable your listening (speakers, headsets), microphone, and possibly webcam and screen share. As you enable certain feature, your avatar will reflect the change.
If your media limit is reached, you will receive a notification that you can use integration tools or buy more media minutes. -
Share Links in your room
You can prepare for meetings by sharing all relevant file links on the room table. That way, anyone in the meeting can open them and follow the meeting topics. All you have to do is click on the Add a Share button, add the URL, set Title and icon, and you are done.
Start meetings with Integrated tools
For every Integration tool you have enabled on your Space, you can start meetings in your rooms. Time in these meetings is not counted towards your monthly media usage limits. The buttons to start meetings are on the top right side of the screen.
See steps for available tools:
Add more Spaces to your Org
Administrators of your Sococo Org can decide to add more spaces (floors) because they need more offices. Admin needs to select the map, update map name and settings, and add the users to the new space. This is not charged additionally. Billing is based on the number of members of your Organization, and not on the number of spaces you have.
To review all steps in detail, see Creating a New Space.
If you prefer to have all users in one space, you can update your existing space by changing the map layout to a bigger one. -
User access levels
There are 3 different user access levels: Members, Moderators and Administrators.
- Member is a basic level of access that every user has when added to Sococo. With this level of access you can freely move in your spaces, talk with others, use enabled features, etc.
- Moderators are defined on a Space level, and they can modify space settings. They can be considered as administrators on a space level. Moderators are defined by Administrators and other Moderators.
- Administrators have all rights in all spaces in the Organization. They can modify settings for all spaces in the Org, and modify the Org settings. They can create and delete spaces, and have some special features in the spaces (they can unlock doors from outside, send avatars to login screens, etc...). Initially, a user who signed up for the trial is the first Administrator, and he can grant Moderator and Admin access to other users.
For all details see Sococo User Roles and Privileges.
Change your space name
Moderators and Administrators can update the name of the space (floor). It is modified from the Space Settings page.
Invite new users
Every member of the Organization can invite new users to spaces. This can be disabled for regular Members in the Settings, and in that case, only Moderators and Administrators can invite new users. You can invite members using their email address, or Slack team members if you have Slack integration enabled.
Use Slack Integration
Sococo allows you to integrate your Sococo Space with Slack workspace. This integration allows you to chat from Sococo app with other members of your team on Slack, to invite team members from your Slack team, or to log in to Sococo using your Slack account.
To review all features included with Slack integration, see Slack Integration Guide. -
Enable Media Integrations (Zoom, Google Hangouts, WebEx)
Sococo allows you to use other communication/media tools from your Sococo space, as you would in your real office. After you integrate with Zoom, Hangouts, WebEx, or Teams, you can start or join meetings directly from Sococo. There is no need to ask others for the invitation link. Just join the room where the meeting is being held, and your Sococo app will join the meeting for you using the selected tool.
To use these Integrations, Your Sococo Administrators need to enable it first.
What is the Sococo web URL?
You can open your Sococo web app with Google Chrome using https://app.sococo.com/
Can I change my email address?
It is not possible to update your email address. You need to invite a new email address and remove the user with the old email address.
Can a user with the same email address be part of 2 Organizations?
Yes, a user can be a part of 2 or more Organizations using the same email address. There are no limitations in inviting existing users to other Orgs.
Note: This user will occupy a seat for every Organization separately.