When Sococo members use Google accounts to log in to Sococo or any other integrated tools, they can get a SAML app error message - 403 app_not_configured_for_user. This error is not related to the Sococo app, but to the configuration made on the customer's side when SSO/SAML for the application was configured.
When you use your G Suite account to log in to an app that was configured for SSO/SAML, you get an error stating that the app is not configured for a user.
To resolve the error, you need to review the SAML configuration for the app you are trying to login. For further details, please review the Google Support SAML app error messages.
If the error has occurred during login to Sococo, you can use Configuring Sococo SAML/SSO to review the configuration and identify and fix the issue.
For additional information, you can also review the Google Support Help Center for configuring some of the tools that can be integrated with Sococo:
Once the configuration is corrected, try reproducing the issue by logging in again. You should be able to log in without issues.