There is a known issue in Sococo where during a meeting, a user's microphone cannot be enabled or suddenly stops working, and it is also not possible to hear the other members in the room. These other members can still communicate with each other, indicating the issue is not related to the room where the meeting is being hosted. This article provides a workaround for this issue, while it is being addressed by our Engineering team.
Step 1. Refresh Media
The user may have lost connection to the Sococo media server. To quickly fix this, refresh your media. This will disconnect your microphone, video, and screen share connections for a few seconds and then try to re-establish the connection.
If the issue persists, go to the next step.
Step 2. Refresh your Sococo App
Refresh your app to re-establish all connections and reload the content. For both the web app and the desktop app:
- For Windows: press Ctrl + R
- For Mac: press Cmd+ R
At this point, you will be able to hear the audio of the meeting taking place in the room.
Step 3. Toggle Media On
After the Sococo application has been reloaded, enable your microphone. Your avatar will indicate that the microphone is on and will flash whenever you are speaking.
If the issue persists, go to the next step.
Step 4. Leave the Room and Come Back
Move to another room and then come back to the original room to join the meeting once again. Then, enable your microphone.
After going through the steps in the solution, you should be able to participate in the meeting. If you are still unable to hear other members in the room and they're also unable to hear you, please follow up on a support ticket explaining your issue in detail and all the steps you tried so far.