Introducing ATLAS - Your First Step in Support ATLAS is the latest addition to our support team, designed to provide immediate, automated assistance. While our support portal has always been the go-to...
Overview The Sococo application allows you to contact the support team through chat or email directly from the app. It also allows you to search the Sococo knowledge base to help you quickly resolve y...
Overview We have a great team of Customer Success Managers (CSMs) who are always ready to help you and address any questions you have about your account. If you have any billing-related or account sta...
Overview Sococo has a great support team that is always ready to help you with issues you encounter while using the application. While support is provided in English, Google translate is used to assis...
Overview This article provides information about how to contact the sales team for inquiries about the Sococo application. Information When you start a free trial for Sococo, you are paired with a pr...