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Admin Rights Not Being Applied


Once the administrator of an organization grants the administrator role to another user, the changes are immediately saved in Sococo. The new administrator may need to log in again for the changes to take effect. However, if admin rights are not applied after this, it is possible that there is a duplicate account under the same email address with different permission levels. This prevents the user from accessing a space as an admin. This article provides the steps to remove the duplicate account for the admin rights to be applied correctly.


  • Administrator Organization Role is needed to complete the steps.


  1. Click on the Sococo menu btn.png button and click on the Settings option.
  2. Select Member Management.
  3. Click on the Search icon and enter the email address of the Sococo member who is facing the issue. 
  4. Click on the Pencil_Icon.png icon for each of the results to review the spaces listed under My Spaces and identify which account should be removed.
  5. Remove the chosen account as described in Removing Members from the Organization.


After the duplicate account has been removed by an admin, the administrator role will be applied correctly. If the issue still persists, contact Sococo support describing your issue with as much detail as possible.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
