Overview When you change the number of members in your space, you might need to adjust the number of seats in your subscription. Such an update either allows new members to be added to your space or r...
Overview This article provides information about updating the company name under Billed To in your invoice. Prerequisites To request the update, the user must have administrative privileges. Informati...
Overview This article provides information about updating the billing contact of your Sococo subscription. Prerequisites To request the update, the user must have administrative privileges. Informatio...
Overview The number of seats is not updating on your billing menu when you try to change it for your account. You make and save the changes for the number of seats in the billing settings, but your me...
Overview If you are interested in Sococo for your organization and want to explore the features it offers, you can sign up for a free trial. When one member of the organization signs up, they will be ...
Overview If you stopped using Sococo for a while, but want to reactivate your account you can do so directly from the application. Prerequisites Only users who had Administrator privileges for your So...
Overview When you sign up for Sococo, you provide the name of your organization. This name can be updated. However, it is not possible to change the organization names from the application user interf...
Overview This article provides information about getting a copy of your invoice for your Sococo subscription. Information Users with administrator privileges can review and update the billing details ...
Overview If you are interested in Sococo for your organization and have questions about the features of the product and its pricing, a product specialist can help you. Information Sococo currently of...
Overview If you are already a Sococo user but want to create a separate organization, you can sign up for a free trial with a different email address or create a new account with the email address you...